The Blood Pressure Exercises

The Blood Pressure Exercises:

On this page, I’ll explain the three blood pressure exercises in details. And how exactly you can use them to heal your blood pressure- starting today.

Good News:
New research reveals that one single organ is responsible for almost all cases of high blood pressure.

Contrary to what you may think it’s NOT:
the heart
the kidneys
the arteries
…or any other cardiovascular organ.

By addressing the one organ responsible you can lower your blood pressure without:
diet changes
strenuous exercises

Starting Today! AND it doesn’t matter if you’re:

out of shape
older than the dawn of time, In fact, you can lower your blood pressure from home in an extremely pleasurable, relaxing way.
Not only will you lower your blood pressure, you’ll also heal any damage already done to your arteries.

Here is a fact you MUST understand first…You see, in 95% of cases doctors have no idea what causes high blood pressure.
Sure, they’ll list some indicators, like:
Being overweight
Lack of physical activity
Too much salt
Excess alcohol consumption
Poor diet
…and so on, and so on!

So, traditionally, you’re pushed to treat your high blood pressure with drugs that can cause serious side effects, without anyone knowing what caused your high blood pressure in the first place.

So How Are They Going To Cure It?

You can’t fix anything when you don’t know what caused it, can you?
Like a high-speed, multi-car highway accident, high blood pressure will hit you without a warning—anytime, anywhere.
 I thought lowering my blood pressure would be an easy task. For a few months I focused extensively on:
Eating healthy
Working out five times a week
Taking all the blood pressure supplements I could find
…and guess what?

In fact, many people lowered their blood pressure following my diet and other lifestyle recommendations.

The Solution Was So Simple I Could Hardly Believe It.
All the researchers asked the volunteers do was sit down and slow their breathing to six breaths per minutes. Six inhales and six exhales every minute for a few minutes.

Nothing else.
You can do this yourself right now. Why don’t you pause for a minute and as you sit still slow down your breathing for about ten breaths.
Feels great, doesn’t it? And it doesn’t cost a dime!
All it took was a few minutes of slow breathing.
Slow breathing definitely helped, but it wasn’t enough to completely cure my high blood pressure.

There are four different types of stress:
Physical stress: Common flu causes a spike in stress hormones. So do long working hours, sleeplessness, and even intense workouts at the gym.

Sensory stress: Traffic noise has been proven to raise blood pressure, as has watching too much TV.

Emotional stress: The loss of a loved one, a divorce, an unhappy marriage, and money worries are a few examples of emotional stressors.

Mental stress: Mental stress can put quite a strain on your brain and release stress hormones. Long lasting, challenging work task is an example of mental stress.
You can easily handle all these types of stress for short periods of time.

So, What’s the Solution?
Using mind/body exercises, you can give your brain something I call a “Focused Break.”
For a few minutes, your brain is not under any kind of stress; it’s like the world stands still for a moment.In this short period of time, your brain reboots, like a frozen computer. When it starts again, everything flows much more smoothly.Your brain can led go of stressful events that happened 20 years ago in minutes.This is the method proven by tons of official studies to lower blood pressure without side effects.

The Blood Pressure Exercises

The Blood Pressure Exercises